
  • Ecologists' Wrath

    A mono-green Deck focused on a mana-ramp thanks to the elves to bring quickly giant creatures for a beatdown strategy.

  • Burn Baby Burn

    A mono-red Deck focused on the ability to Purphoros to damage all your oponents at once each time you summon a creature. Summoning creatures become easy thanks to all the cards generating tokens.

  • Toxic Like Britney

    An infect Deck using Atraxa, Praetors' Voice to proliferate the initials poisons counters that have been put. There are also the possibility for more control tactics to stall or to remove the cards that endanger your strategies

  • Dino Gaia

    This Deck relies on the raw power of the dinosaurs, with a bit of mana ramp to help pay their cost. Gishath is not an original choice a commander for a tribal dinosaur Deck but its effet to call forth all dinosaurs your draw when you deal damages without paying their mana cost help to gather an incredible army of heavyweights dinosaurs.

  • The Notorious Bigzilla

    This Deck relies on the effect of our commander, which is Godzilla itself, to make creatures as enduring as they are agressive. As such, a 10/6 like Nessian Boar become an effective 10/10. Pure strength is the keyword of this Deck, the bigger we are the more powerfull all our cards will be.

  • Horsebrew

    A fun Deck inspired by the MLP-related cards issued officially by Wizard. Our commander of choice is Twilight, which boosts all pegasi, ponies, unicorns and horses. In fact they are plenty of them to make a full EDH with them and here we are. This Deck is pretty defensive and some great cards but this is mostly a fun deck-hard to win with it.

  • A Myr-ry Christmas

    A Myr budget deck which relies on swarming the field with our myr to overhelm our opponents by numbers, as myrs become powerfull the more they get.


  • Theros Grull Low-Cost

    A modified Intro Pack Theros Grull Deck focusing on the monstruosity for overpowering your opponent with giant creatures. Additions such as the four Hellrider make the Deck more consistent.

  • Be Quick Or Be Dead

    The Iron Maiden songs pretty sums it all. Either you defeat your opponent fast with your small creatures which can becomes enormous with the boosts, either your doomed for. There is still a possibility to finish your opponent if their are near the 10 poison counters with cards such as Hand of the Praetors or Contagion Clasp.